• Sun. May 12th, 2024

How ERP Technology Can Enhance Education System?

Analytics Dashboards for Accurate Reports Campus management systems with analytics dashboards are truly a boon for the institution! Analytics dashboards collect the entire data of students including their grades, attendance,…

How Public Schools Lie To Parents And Betray Our Children

How do public schools deceive parents? Joel Turtel, author of the new book, “Public Schools, Public Menace: How Public Schools Lie to Parents and Betray Our Children,” lists some of…

Strategies to Build an Effective Learning Environment

Here are the essential characteristics of an effective learning environment. Let’s take a look! Several Learning Models The potentials of learning are unlimited. Some models include flipped classrooms, eLearning, direct…

Duties and responsibilities of higher education institutions

Higher education means the highest class. Directing higher education work is therefore the best renaissance in the country. Just as Renaissance is important in the lives of human beings and…

Online Education With Best Benefits

If we move our mode of education towards online technology it hopefully respond with several advantages. As in these days of fast moving world, everyone needs to be expect more…

Online Education Courses: Not For The Faint of Heart

In the not-so-distant past, online education courses were considered a little unusual. Many internet education courses were not accredited or recognized and in fact, most were downright laughed down. Most…

what is the importance of female education

what is the importance of female education Instruction could be the preparation for life. It’s the light of life’s continuous and life-long process. Instruction can be considered as the foundation…